Educational dynamics
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We will give full play to the leading role of vocational education in empowering young people to give priority to their development


Vocational education is an important part of the national education system and human resources development, and an important way for young people to open the door to success. It shoulders the important responsibility of training diversified talents, inheriting technical skills, and promoting employment and entrepreneurship。

Giving priority to youth development requires party committees and governments to attach importance to youth work, introduce policies to benefit youth, and create a good working and living environment for young people. It is also necessary to strengthen youth education, improve the quality of training young talents, and enhance young people's ability to uphold their responsibilities。Among various forms of education, vocational education is most closely related to economic and social development, and plays a fundamental and guiding role in empowering young people to give priority to development and encouraging them to take responsibility。

In April 2017, the Medium - and Long-Term Youth Development Plan (2016-2025) issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council (hereinafter referred to as the Plan) clearly put forward for the first time the idea that "to develop the cause of the Party and the country, youth must first develop"。From the in-depth implementation process of the ten-year Plan, there are three levels of value implications to promote youth priority development: the requirements of the Party and national development strategy, local development needs and youth's own development demands。The development of vocational education is highly compatible and deeply coupled with the above three levels。

First of all, vocational education is an important way to implement the Plan and promote the priority development of young people。

The Plan defines ten areas of youth development, including youth education, youth employment and entrepreneurship。Vocational education has provided strong talent support for the high-quality development of various undertakings in our country,At present, China has built the world's largest vocational education system,Vocational education trains nearly 10 million high-quality technical and skilled personnel every year,It plays an irreplaceable role in serving rural revitalization, social stability, expanding employment, and supporting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises,Has made a significant contribution。It can be seen that the development of vocational education and the priority development of youth are mutually causal, mutually promoting, coupled and symbiosis in function, and have internal consistency in the orientation of development goals。

Secondly, vocational education is an important cornerstone for implementing the Plan and promoting youth employment and entrepreneurship。

Vocational education and urban industrial development are symbiotic。习近平总书记提出的“人民城市”理念,充分体现了城市发展与人民发展相互促进、融合共生的耦合关系。Vocational education is the medium, grafter and accelerator of coupling symbiosis between urban industry development and youth career development。On the one hand, vocational education can help cities establish and enrich industrial chains and industrial clusters, and create more employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for young people。On the other hand, vocational education can accelerate the promotion of young people's employment and entrepreneurial ability, and enable talents for urban development。The quality of labor force is an important factor in the development of urban industry, and the development of urban industry affects the employment capacity。Vocational education can serve the development of industrial clusters and increase employment opportunities to absorb labor force, so vocational education is necessary to empower urban development。

It is the basic logic for vocational colleges to do a good job in the export of talents to run vocational education with distinctive characteristics and people's satisfaction based on the city。Therefore, integrating vocational education into urban industrial development and helping develop new quality productivity has become an inevitable requirement for the development of vocational colleges。Vocational education should be based on world development and times changes,We will continue to deepen professional supply-side structural reform,Docking industry and regional development strategy,Constantly enrich and update the teaching content,It resonates with the development of The Times,Deep integration with local industries,Closely docking with the needs of industry enterprises,To ensure that the students are in line with the requirements of The Times,In the direction of the city industrial cluster,Skills to adapt to the enterprise talent demands。Vocational colleges aim to train high-quality workers and technical talents, jointly train with industry enterprises, combine on-site teaching with scene teaching, improve students' vocational skills, and promote students to understand the city, familiar with the enterprise and adapt to the position。

Third, vocational education is an important support for implementing the Plan and promoting youth to win the future。

It is inevitable for vocational education to give priority to youth development。The study of career theory shows that vocational education and youth development are naturally inseparable, and young people will engage in social participation and meet their social expectations through occupation from working to retirement。Vocational education is the process of improving the social participation skills of the educated and turning the natural person into a social person。

The newly revised and promulgated Vocational Education Law of the People's Republic of China in 2022 clearly defines vocational education as "to train high-quality technical skills.,Education that enables educatees to acquire professional ethics, scientific culture, professional knowledge, technical skills and other comprehensive professional qualities and action abilities necessary for engaging in a certain occupation or realizing professional development,Including vocational school education and vocational training"。

Through school education, one is to meet the strategic needs of national development for the development of young talents。By guiding the ideological values of the students, improving the moral level, cultivating the spirit of artisans, strengthening the students' ambition, backbone and confidence as Chinese people, and gathering the magnificent youth power for the rejuvenation of the country;The second is to meet the development demands of individual students。Vocational colleges should, based on the development demands of young people, use modern information technology and big data analysis to actively explore classified training and type education models, apply artificial intelligence, big data, virtual simulation and other information means to innovate education and teaching forms, promote students' knowledge accumulation and professional skills, and improve the quality of self-training talents。Although vocational training and vocational college education are different in terms of academic system, content and form, the essence is still based on the needs of students to pursue a better future, a happy life and a healthy life, based on job needs and personal career planning and development, and constantly improve vocational skills to adapt to social development。

In the future, with the development of The Times and the diversification of young people's demands, the vocational training organized only by human resources and social services departments and education departments in the past can no longer meet the diversified demands of youth's own development for education and training。Recently, the "Youth night school" organized by the Communist Youth League has exploded in many places,It is a phenomenon worthy of attention to serve, guide and promote the priority development of youth in the new era,It is implied that the contemporary youth are turning to The Times and changing to the youth of vocational training,That is, from simply seeking the instrumental demand of career development to the diversified value pursuit of enriching social career experience and promoting the all-round development of people。

Vocational education has a broad future and great potential, which will help young people prioritize and actively develop, and will help young people win the future。

(作者:Cui Jinggui,Secretary of the Party Committee of Jiangsu Institute of Technology, Director of Jiangsu Vocational and Technical Education Scientific Research Center)

(From Modern Higher Vocational and Technical Education Network, information source: China Youth Daily, September 9, 2024)