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High-quality construction of student practice platform

"Improving the student internship practice system" is a clear target measure put forward in the Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening reform and Promoting Chinese-style modernization。Perfecting the student practice system involves the selection of educational content, the improvement of teaching methods, the perfection of educational evaluation system and the integration of educational and teaching resources。Specific to vocational colleges, we should make great efforts in the high-quality construction of students' practice platform, which is related to the practical operation of technical skills forging and the overall quality of talent training。

The reasonable arrangement of the form of practice and the careful selection of the content of practice not only reflect the precise implementation of the integration of production and education at the micro level, but also the inevitable requirement to solve the "two skins" of talents training in schools and enterprises。The form of practice is the structure and organizational mode of the internal elements of school-enterprise cooperation, while the content of practice affects and is subject to the form innovation。In order to find the right form for students' practice, it is necessary to be good at finding and using all kinds of appropriate educational resources, and establish close cooperation with more enterprises, so as to provide students with more diversified internship opportunities and job supplies。In order to improve the accuracy of the training of high-level technical skills, it is necessary to constantly explore a variety of internship practice patterns in line with the characteristics of enterprises, and select the content of internship practice。For example, I work in Wuxi Vocational College of Science and technology,Located in the integrated circuit industry scale ranked second in the country Wuxi National High-tech Zone,With Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, related research institutes, China Resources Micro Integrated Circuit (Wuxi) and other high-tech zone leading enterprises to establish integrated circuit production and education consortium,More than 2,300 students have been trained through "order class", "double class" and "title class"。At the same time, in the face of the demand for high-quality technical skills talents for industrial transformation and upgrading, joint training forms such as field engineers, enterprise new apprenticeship system, modern apprenticeship system, post training, and team leader on-site management training have been carried out to promote continuous innovation in the form and content of internship practice。

The high-quality construction of the internship platform and base should be conducive to the cultivation of students' technical skills and the improvement of students' innovative ability。Innovation comes from practice, and the cultivation of innovation ability is inseparable from practice. It needs to be developed and improved in continuous practice, careful observation, in-depth thinking and bold exploration in continuous practice, and gradually form a flexible and innovative way of thinking by constantly honing in solving practical problems in specific practice scenarios。Only by building a high quality practice platform and base can we achieve effective cultivation of students' innovative ability。Starting from the IC industrial park, Wuxi High-tech Zone analyzes the talents and technical needs of enterprises, anchors the IC industry post group, and determines the construction tasks of the practice platform。The first is to establish the "twelve search" application scenario for serving enterprises and schools。That is, enterprises find schools, students and technologies through the platform;Schools through the platform to find enterprises, find jobs, find topics;Both schools and enterprises find bases, find experts, find funds, find training, find policies, and find standards through the platform。The second is to create the "brain" of production and education, portrait the post and students, and build the practice platform of integrated circuit production and education into a "network platform" of school-enterprise cooperation that is similar to Didi and other services with digital, intermediary and entity characteristics, and has now become an all-weather student internship practice platform。

The high-quality construction of internship platform and base is inseparable from the full use of intelligent technology。On the one hand, through the use of intelligent technologies such as big data and cloud computing, we can achieve efficient management of the internship platform and base。For example, by analyzing the behavioral data of students,You can better understand their needs,In order to provide more accurate practice guidance;Through the intelligent management of all kinds of resources,Ensure that resources are fully utilized,Improve the utilization efficiency of practice resources;Use smart technology,Establish a close relationship between the practice platform and universities and enterprises,Realize resource sharing and complementary advantages。On the other hand, through the use of intelligent technologies such as big data and cloud computing, the security management of the internship platform and base is realized。For example, by monitoring the location of students in real time, to ensure their personal safety;Through the monitoring and management of the equipment of the practice platform and the base, the failure rate of the equipment is reduced, so as to improve the safety level。Therefore, in the construction of practice ecology, the application of intelligent technology can only strengthen, not weaken。It is necessary to increase the intelligent technology facilities in the guarantee of practical teaching and play an important role in the evaluation of practical teaching。

The high-quality construction of the internship platform and base is inseparable from the joint efforts of the government, schools and students themselves。High quality construction of internship platform and base,Local governments need to further implement the macro policy requirements for the integration of industry and education at the national level,Better practice the provincial-level implementation plan for the integration of industry and education,Continue to expand the integration of industry and education, school-enterprise cooperation pattern,Will the existing vocational education group, vocational education park,School factory, factory lieutenant colonel,Skill Master Studio,Various laboratories and research rooms,Various practice and training bases,Various order classes, modern apprenticeship classes,A variety of industrial colleges for local areas, as well as cities with integrated industry and education, industries with integrated industry and education, and enterprises with integrated industry and education,The potential of platforms or bases such as city-wide industry-education consortiums and industry-education integration communities has been fully tapped,We will create an environment that promotes the integration of industry and education,Promote the overall management of the practice environment,Form a variety of forms of integration of production and education,Serve students to develop high-level technical skills。At the same time, education authorities and schools should strengthen the supervision and management of the practice process to ensure the quality and safety of internship activities。In the process of internship, students should actively sum up experience, reflect on the problems encountered in practice, and strive to transform the results of internship practice into their own vocational skills。

Not long ago, the 10th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress of Jiangsu Province adopted the Decision on strengthening the construction of highly skilled personnel in the New Era,It is necessary to further improve the training, introduction, use, evaluation, incentive, service, security and other working mechanisms of highly skilled personnel,We will further make up for weaknesses in the institutional development of highly skilled personnel,We will support leading enterprises, chain leading enterprises and vocational schools in building and sharing productive training bases。Innovation proposed to combine the construction of key industrial chains, the establishment of leadership contact vocational school system。This will certainly become a more effective way to promote the cooperation between the education sector and the industry, improve the quality of vocational education and the adaptability of vocational education,Promote government, business and other social institutions leaders and vocational schools to establish the most direct contact and cooperation,Support by providing resources, knowledge, technology and market information,We will help vocational schools better meet the needs of economic and social development,Train more high-quality technical and skilled personnel。

(Author: Sun Xingyang, President of Wuxi Vocational College of Science and Technology, Chairman of National Development Zone Vocational Education Development Alliance)

(From Modern Higher Vocational and Technical Education Network, information source: China Education Daily, September 3, 2024)